Race Treaty w/ Robin Benton – Convergence of CERD and Racial Equity competencies March 4, 2015 Race Treaty discusses the implications of the convergence of CERD and Racial Equity competencies with the field of Social Work and beyond. The implications of CERD enactment into local Municipal Law. And as always, we will frame the discussion…
Lisa V. Blitz, PhD, LCSW-r, Assistant Professor, Binghamton University Department of Social Work, lblitz@binghamton.edu; Mary Pender Greene, LCSW-r, Organizational Consultant, private practice, Co-Founder, AntiRacist Alliance, mlpenderg@gmail.com; Sandy Bernabei, LCSW, private practice, Co-Founder, AntiRacist Alliance, sandy.bernabei@gmail.com
Recovery is transformative – and not just for you, but it’s transformative for all of us.